Please head to the league table pages to find the full results lists.
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AGM to take place on Monday 21st August
The South Cambs League AGM will take place on 21 August.
Winners of the 2022-23 divisions are as follows:
WD – Cambridge Badminton Academy
XD Prem – Ely 1
XD 1 – Club Dan 1
MD Prem – Ely 1
MD 1 – Club Dan 1
MD 2 – Cambridge University 2
MD 3 – Ely 3
2022-23 Season to begin in October
Having successfully run a friendly season for 2021-22 while clubs began to play again following closure over the pandemic, the South Cambs League will once again be running a competitive league, featuring 4 men’s divisions, 1 women’s division and 2 mixed divisions.
2021/22 ‘Friendly’ Season Announced
Following the early finish of the 2019/20 season and the cancellation of the 2020/21 season due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the South Cambs Badminton League is delighted to announce that competitive play will return with a tweaked ‘Friendly’ format for the 2021/22 season.
Whilst we understand that some Clubs are unfortunately struggling to find suitable venues to host club nights and matches (among other covid-related issues), many others are keen and able to play competitive matches for the first time in over 18 months. Therefore the 2021/22 season will be run on a ‘Friendly’ basis. In short, this season will not affect the League structure for the 2022/23 season, which will be determined by the positions at the close of the 2019/20 season, as previously planned.
Therefore, there is no obligation for teams to enter, and if they choose not to do so they will not be disadvantaged in future seasons as a result. Teams will be able to enter part-way through the season if their situation changes, and entered teams will be under no obligation to play all of the matches in their League.
The Bill Pink Cup and Variety Cup will be played (subject to the number of entries received). These are also ‘optional’, and as per usual will run as standalone events in addition to the Leagues.
The (‘soft’) deadline for entering the League and Cup events is 17th September – please look out for the form that will be emailed to club Committees soon. As aforementioned, League entries will be permitted throughout the season; this deadline is to enable an approximate League structure to be drawn up. Due to their nature, Cup entries will not be possible once the competitions have commenced, but entries soon after the 17th September may be accepted – please contact the Acting Secretary, Tom Wade, on .
To ensure that the South Cambs Committee holds up-to-date details about your Club’s Committee members, please fill in the form (which has been emailed to those who’s details we currently have) at if your Club has not already done so.
We hope that the pandemic has not affected yourself or your Club significantly, and look forward to Clubs returning to court in a safe manner. For further details on the 2021/22 season and other matters, please see the 2021 AGM minutes in the ‘Useful Docs’ section. If you have any questions, queries or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact the Acting League Secretary, Tom Wade, on .